Thursday 7 February 2013

African Session

Hello people. Today I'm bringing the fresh of the fresh.
I'm bringing the hot of the hot.
We're going tropical baby.

During the Christmas holiday some of my friends had the great idea of making a video of their time in the Republic of Congo.

I've told myself I'll do the same many times but unfortunately I always forget to do it.
So this video was filmed by Julia Massoulle. Well at least with her camera with the contribution of a few other people but she has edited the whole thing.

You guys should check it out just so you can see how beautiful my country is.
Next time I go I'll make a video. I'll try to remember.

Also make sure to check out her channel right here.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Kanye Zone!! What dat is?

Hey hey hey what's going on people.
I haven't been posting anything lately, I've been a bit busy with my personal life.

It's been bumpy but I'm back.

Now there is this new game I've been spending my spare time on lately, it's very simple to use and easy to access.

It's easy to spend ages on it in order to get the highest score possible and it's called Kanye Zone.

Now Kanye Zone is very easy to play.

Inside a square box Kanye West's head is hitting the borders of the box and bouncing around.
Now your job is to stop Kanye's head to reach the zone who so happen to be in the middle of the box by using a blue bouncing ball rotating around the zone.
You move the ball using the left and right arrows of your keyboard and you keep Kanye away from the zone.

The longer you keep him away the more points you get.
But be careful because as soon as his head hit the zone Jay-Z comes out of nowhere and laughs at your pain. Heart breaker right there.

Good luck and have fun with kanye Zone.