Thursday 28 March 2013

Rules to Rugby

Hey peeps, Rugby is an interesting game isn't it?
I've just never known the rules. It's too bad because it's such a popular game in many countries worldwide.
So I decided to learn thanks to a video on YouTube by LYNX that explains the rules of Rugby in a way that I can understand using a very competent set of players. 
For fans this video will provide entertainment and for newcomers it's definitely going to be educational in some way.
Have fun!! :)

Friday 8 March 2013

Iron Man 3 - New Trailer

I don't really know what to say about this video it's quite self-explanatory. What the hell is going on for so many Iron Man to appear at once?

The Hangover III

The wolf pack is back in this last chapter of the trilogy of The Hangover.
No more bachelor party, no more wedding, what is going to happen in this one?
I personally hope that it's not just a copycat of the other two movies.
From what I know supposedly the wolf pack will have to put all their energy to break Alan out of a mental asylum.
This trailer doesn't show anything really related to the story, all we can see is outrageous scenes as per usual but nothing is really being given away as to what happens.
I am really looking forward to it though.
Bring it on.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Portable Water Generator

A billboard that produce drinkable water with the humidity in the air.
That sounds like an amazing concept when you think about certain countries in the world with not enough clean water. Right?

The university of engineering and Technology, UTEC have done this and implemented the first billboard that produces drinking water out of air.

Coming from a Third World country with the problem of not having clean water for everyone I can really appreciate this type of technology that produces clean drinkable water for the population.
It's things like this that makes me love science and technology so much.

Check it out: