Tuesday 23 June 2015

Lad's en tour 2015

Going to Eastern Europe was a surreal experience. Having never ventured that far east in Europe before it was a daunting new experience, a totally new journey I couldn't wait to embark on.
First thing first, let's get this out of the way. Eastern European women are something else. Know what I'm saying? 
You don't? Then you haven't been on PornHub enough lately. 
Second, everything is cheap over there, in comparison to England, I mean 1.50 for a pint. Same goes for food but of course you'll have the odd place that's frequently visited by tourists so they charge you ridiculous prices. 
Third, if you're a vodka aficionado like myself then you will enjoy the vodka over there.
And finally what happens on holiday, stays on holiday.

Monday 30 March 2015

The Daily Show - Spot Africa

The misconception of what Africa looks like and what is like from the perception of the "western world" is something that has always baffled me.

Can we truly attribute this phenomenon to just ignorance? Or is the manipulation of media and information an important factor in this?
This guy.
Trevor Noah brilliantly denounce's the ignorance of western countries when it comes to our continent (proper article coming soon):

Tuesday 24 February 2015

I confess for freedom of mind and spirit

Ladies and Gentlemen, family and friends.
On this glorious Tuesday 24th of February 2015 of the Gregorian calendar I would like to confess to a struggle and sin I keep on performing.

I dance more than you know...

As most of you will probably know and witnessed I enjoy busting moves on the dance floor, especially to a Ne-Yo song at which point I slightly tip my hat forward to cover my eyes and bite my lower lip (signature move, that's trademark, don't steal it).
But I also like to dance on my way to the kitchen. I will bust a move while I'm cooking, doing the Carlton dance to Tom Jones. When I'm walking down the street listening to a song that I love I will dance with all my might even making up a small choreography.
You might want to ask but what if there's people Ares? I say let them see.
Let them see my dancing for it is magnificent.
Like a black swan taking flight I will jump in the air and twirl, booty shake, shuffle...the list of dance moves is endless.

The other day I even started dancing to the sound of the ice cream truck. It's getting out of hand. I cannot stop dancing.

I have kept this burden, this secret, hidden from as many people as I could. But no more. I now want you all to know that dancing is not just for fun. It's my way of life.

To better illustrate what I mean I will leave you with this 7 hours long video of Turk from TV show Scrubs dancing to Sugar hill. Enjoy:

Thursday 4 September 2014

What do I think of Jennifer Lawrence and the leaked nude pics incident?

"Is there food here?" - Jennifer Lawrence 

The Fappening has been this year the biggest leak of celebrities nude photos. Yes I'll start with that line.
What did we learn from it? Well first of all a lot of my friends are perverts, I learned that.
I mean I am too but damn so many people wanted them pics.

Nudity is part of our everyday lives now, there's nudity everywhere. We're not as prude as our parents or their parents before them.
Our generation is embracing a new age of acceptance, where sex flourishes and people are less ashamed about their fantasies and their lust as much as they used to and were we are constantly exposed to nudity.

I mean you look at adverts for shampoos you have nudity, you look at movies, and TV series and you have nudity.
Take Spartacus or Game of Thrones, there's at least one sex scene in each episode. That is so much. And that dude in Spartacus is making me self-conscious, I don't like it. Have you seen the size of his thing? I'm talking the girl in there is having a hard time taming that anaconda.

Now the second thing I learned is that Jennifer Lawrence is by far the most perfect human being on Earth.
And you should think too. Here are the reasons why.
She is that cool girl, the 1%, the one you really don't want to let get away, I'm talking about she is THE great white buffalo.
And she's funny, she seems so careless about everything, and at the same time she does things that fulfils her. She is one of those people that shines because they do what they want and they love it.
Not because of money or power or some twisted motive but because they like it.
Also she has an amazing body. I mean goddamn.
I saw them photos.
Was it morally right? No.
Do I care? No.
Let me tell you why. Like 99% of her fan base I fantasies about her.
It's sad that we got to a point were we have this crazy need to know everything about a celebrity that we like. Even though they give so much of themselves to the public, we want more.
But at the same time, I'm just a man who likes to see pictures of naked girls.
Does that make me a misogynist? Hell no. I still respect women but I'll always want to see them naked. Period.

There has been so much hate toward her over these pictures though, I mean how can you hate someone like that? It just doesn't seem right. It's not her fault if some hacker genius/hero of the year has hacked into her private life and provided the world with those photos. Everyone takes selfies and naked selfies.
Don't hate, appreciate.

To me she stays that pure hearted girl, that likes to eat pizza and say inappropriate things on Tv.
Jennifer Lawrence, you go girl.

Monday 18 August 2014

24 years later and still kicking

As I'm writing these line there's about an hour left until I officially turn 24.
Aging is such a big issue for us humans. With each birthday celebrations we realise that we're one year closer to death.

Some people will say "You're only 24 you've got life ahead of you". Technically death is what is ahead of me hehe.
Am I sad to be getting older? Not really.
I'm not looking forward to my body ageing badly and eventually shut down but I'm looking forward to so many more things.

Life is an endless amount of paths, of memories to make, of people to meet, of experiences to acquire and of things to do.
Each day I look forward to the next with stars in my eyes never really knowing what will happen.
The beauty that is life can't be even compared to anything.
Each day I realise how much stronger I can be.
Each day I realise how I still know nothing of life mysteries and I have so much to learn.
Each day I realise that I have so much to look forward to.

Each second, each minutes, each hour and each day I spend is bringing me to an unknown universe, to a different future and to a different life.
My physical body is transcending time and space to bring my spirit to a new truth and new knowledge.

Happy life to me and to whoever read this (it's going to sound cheesy but) enjoy life to the fullest and cherish every single moment with your friends and family because life is so freaking short.