Monday 18 August 2014

24 years later and still kicking

As I'm writing these line there's about an hour left until I officially turn 24.
Aging is such a big issue for us humans. With each birthday celebrations we realise that we're one year closer to death.

Some people will say "You're only 24 you've got life ahead of you". Technically death is what is ahead of me hehe.
Am I sad to be getting older? Not really.
I'm not looking forward to my body ageing badly and eventually shut down but I'm looking forward to so many more things.

Life is an endless amount of paths, of memories to make, of people to meet, of experiences to acquire and of things to do.
Each day I look forward to the next with stars in my eyes never really knowing what will happen.
The beauty that is life can't be even compared to anything.
Each day I realise how much stronger I can be.
Each day I realise how I still know nothing of life mysteries and I have so much to learn.
Each day I realise that I have so much to look forward to.

Each second, each minutes, each hour and each day I spend is bringing me to an unknown universe, to a different future and to a different life.
My physical body is transcending time and space to bring my spirit to a new truth and new knowledge.

Happy life to me and to whoever read this (it's going to sound cheesy but) enjoy life to the fullest and cherish every single moment with your friends and family because life is so freaking short.

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