Saturday 21 April 2012

Alice and Modern Moonlight presents The Correspondents

Alice and Modern Moonlight presents The Correspondents.

The Correspondents is a swing/hiphop duo made up of two extraordinary guys with DJ "Chucks" and MC and lead singer "Mr.Bruce". Based in London they've come up all the to the windy and rainy Newcastle to perform some of their amazing tunes.

The Venue hosting the event (The cooperage) is, I mean let's be honest, the size of my toilets, very small building comprising of a ground floor and two upper floors with the first floor playing hiphop music and the second playing electro swing. Very cramped, stuffing venue with people stepping on your toes and pushing back and forth I mean I felt like I was in one of them African buses we have back home.
 It was a great historical building don't get me wrong. Maybe an old Inn or a old house dating back to the 16th or the 17th century, when people all measured 5 foot. But as a venue it lacked the space needed to house so many people in my opinion.

Anyway I was there for the band and for my good house mate Mr.Fury who was DJiing straight after them and who killed it by the way. 
1:00 AM: The show is starting. During the night we hear the tunes that we all know such as  "What happened to Soho",  "Washington Square" and "Rio de hackney" along with some new tunes.
The performance was magnificent, breathtaking, beautiful, down right outrageous. To put it shortly, they killed it.

While "DJ Chucks" was in the back killing it on the decks, Mr.Bruce was like a beast that has been let loose. He was everywhere, the floor, the counters, the speakers, the bars holding the flashing lights. He was a monkey.
Now that's what I call entertainment. So much energy from Mr.Bruce. His garbs were made either to resemble a fool or a well dressed gentleman. In any case he looked like both. Imagine Arlequin decided do dress smart for the evening and you've got an idea of what the was wearing. It was genius and I loved it.

One word come to mind after listening to The Correspondents: "WOW". 
The Correspondents is a breath of fresh air from the commercial bullshit we hear everyday and will make you want to bust a move. If you have the chance to go and see them do not think about it. Buy your ticket and go. Trust me they are worth it. 

Before I take my leave. I urge you to have a look at this little teaser video from them you will glimpse a little bit of what I was up for last night.

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