Thursday 19 April 2012

Bathed in lava

You might be asking yourself, "What in the world is this?".
This my friends is the essence of beautiful cooking. This is magical, delectable, unbelievable.

This. Is. Chicken.

I know what you're thinking "A black man who loves chicken. How original."
No my friends. This is something else entirely.
This chicken has been wrapped in layers of bacon, bathed in a magnificent tomato sauce and stuffed with beautiful feta cheese. Just thinking about it again is making my mouth water.
Genius I dare say. It may be that this is just another normal dish to you but it is still beautiful. Pure imagination and simplicity have come up with this incredible dish.

I take my hat off to my house mate and friend Bryce "Fury" who once again has impressed me by his culinary skills.


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