Tuesday 15 May 2012

Esquire Magazine

I did not think I'd talk about any Men's magazine to be quite frank. Well not for a while at least.
To be honest I did not know when it'll come up at all.

So here we are.

Esquire - Style and Substance. Damn, it sounds good already.

I feel that now days many men lack the decency to enquire about certain things that a distinguished gentleman should know.
Simple things that are part of our modern life and society.

Clothing for example. How many times have I walked down a street and seen a man wearing the wrong pieces of clothing together. To be honest, I do not think that there is a right or wrong way to dress, but there is definitely a stupid one. Socks with flip-flops? Know what I mean?

But even without going to such extremism I think that certain people could look so much better.
It is our duty to show that we look good.

Do not make the mistake to believe that because you belong to the masculine race that you are exempted  from dressing distinguishably and gracefully nice because you shall not even remotely be pardoned from having such foolish thoughts. And it is not as easy as it looks as our "gentler" counterpart could tell you.

Colours, patterns, fabrics, fitting and many more criteria may define what goes with what and what does not.
My friends. There is no shame in not knowing but only in continuing in our perverted and stubborn descent shall we find chaos.

Esquire Magazine is a Men's Magazine founded in 1932.
It is published in other 20 countries (so you do not have a good reason for not buying it).

Esquire Magazine is...oh they say it so well I'd hate to ruin it.

"Esquire is special because it's a magazine for men. Not a fashion magazine for men, not a health magazine for men, not a money magazine for men. It is not any of these things; it is all of them. It is, and has been for nearly seventy years, a magazine about the interests, the curiosity, the passions, of men."
David Granger, Editor in Chief

This month cover is the picture of Robert Downey Junior (Ironman).
By the way the picture above is not the picture of the cover. I just thought this looked better. 
I'm not going lie I have a bit of a man crush on Robert. 

So here it is.

The magazine also has a website (http://www.esquire.co.uk/).
And a lot of interesting videos. Enjoy:

Sunday 6 May 2012

Kate Upton - Cat Daddy

Instant replay

Kate Upton demonstrates the "Cat Daddy"
directed by Terry Richardson.

Saturday 5 May 2012

The Avengers movie

I highly recommend this movie. You haven't seen it? Then what are you waiting for?
So far it's "The" movie of the year for me. 

I couldn't wait for it to come out and I'm not disappointed. 
Loki is back cooler and meaner than ever. 
Thor is back from Asgard with a couple of extra muscles.
Hulk...well Hulk is Hulk what do you want me to say?
Iron Man is funny, arrogant, self-centered as per usual.
Black Widow is sexy. Damn I love a girl that can throw a punch.
Hawkeye...let's just say he can throw an arrow.
Captain America is the little dumb ass of the group I kind of feel sorry for him at times but he can throw a punch that's for sure and he is a bad ass leader.

And for those who keep debating over who the real original Avengers were. Here is the line up for the comic books:

- Iron Man (Tony Stark)
Ant-Man (Dr. Henry Pym) 
Wasp (Janet Van Dyne) 
Hulk (Bruce Banner)

and a couple of issues later they find Captain America's sorry ass in the ice and he joins the line up too.
Now chill out and enjoy the show.

Lee Alexander McQueen - "L'enfant terrible"

Lee Alexander McQueen is (or rather "was") a British fashion designer and couturier. 
He lived from 1969 to 2010 and lived a total of 40 years. 

The beauty in McQueen's collection resides mainly in his ingenuity in using materials that converge the feeling of softness or hardness. It's the best way I can explain it. For example he's used feathers in quite a lot of his work, as well as furry materials, gold, metal, silver, bones (human ribcage spring/summer 98 "The Golden Shower"), wings and other animal related and organic patterns. And it's the way he has fashioned them that is fascinating. It's not some attempt at trying to admire some abstract beauty from my part, it's just there. Mesmerizing, shocking, scary and just plain outrageously amazing.

To me Alexander McQueen is not just a designer, he is also an artist. He envisioned something great and brought it to life. He is one of those creators who defines Haute couture not just as a fashion masquerade but also as art, as it should be. 
As an artist he was able to show his emotions through his art, fear, terror and awe and exploring different movement such as gothic and naturalism.

 “I think there has to be an underlying sexuality. There has to be pervasiveness in cloths… there is a hidden agenda in fragility of romance. It’s like the ‘Story of O’ [a French-authored book on sodomy]. I’m not big on women looking naïve. There has to be a sinister aspect…” - Alexander McQueen (ragmag.co)

Spring/Summer 2001 Voss is probably one of my favourite shows by McQueen. One because of the theatrical set that was displayed. Disturbing and at the same time beautifully created. And two because of the use of Michelle Olley as the centre piece for the whole exhibition (picture above). She obviously doesn't have the typical model body type (i'm talking about skinny than a motherfucker) but that's what makes her stand out from the likes of Kate Moss (yes she was there indeed) and make her shine like a star among all of them.

Spring/Summer 2001 - Voss