Saturday 5 May 2012

The Avengers movie

I highly recommend this movie. You haven't seen it? Then what are you waiting for?
So far it's "The" movie of the year for me. 

I couldn't wait for it to come out and I'm not disappointed. 
Loki is back cooler and meaner than ever. 
Thor is back from Asgard with a couple of extra muscles.
Hulk...well Hulk is Hulk what do you want me to say?
Iron Man is funny, arrogant, self-centered as per usual.
Black Widow is sexy. Damn I love a girl that can throw a punch.
Hawkeye...let's just say he can throw an arrow.
Captain America is the little dumb ass of the group I kind of feel sorry for him at times but he can throw a punch that's for sure and he is a bad ass leader.

And for those who keep debating over who the real original Avengers were. Here is the line up for the comic books:

- Iron Man (Tony Stark)
Ant-Man (Dr. Henry Pym) 
Wasp (Janet Van Dyne) 
Hulk (Bruce Banner)

and a couple of issues later they find Captain America's sorry ass in the ice and he joins the line up too.
Now chill out and enjoy the show.

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