Thursday 21 June 2012

Summer time weight loss

Hello my readers. Sorry I've been away. It's been a month since I posted last. Too long for a blog. But I'll be putting more stuff from now on.
I've just thought about what I wanted to write and since it's summer and it's a time where appearance is probably more important to us at that time than any of the year.

We're more self concious since we dress down because of the heat. Even in England it's sunny (I know who knew).
And when summer gets here a lot of people are losing more and more layer of clothing and to be honest when I see all those girls in the street I'm not complaining.

Well they are exceptions.

I mean we all seen that one girl that should be wearing a hoodie instead of a skirt if you catch my drift. Or those guys that take their shirt off in the middle of the city, I mean seriously do us a favour and jump off a bridge because this is not acceptable especially when you look more like Zach Galifianakis than Zac Efron.

So like I said we're dressing lighter and a lot of us will be going on holiday whether it's for a couple of days or weeks or even months and some of us have been working on their body to impress the other sex (or the same sex depending on what you like). 

Well I haven't. I know I've been lazy, very lazy and I've ate crap. I'm talking cheeseburgers, pizzas, kebabs. Ugh so much nasty, greasy stuff.
As a result I've put on weight. I'm starting to look like a burned meat ball. Yeah not pretty.

So I've started my special summer diet. 
I'd rather just eat healthy all the time so I wouldn't need to do that.
So that's what I'm doing. I've removed my main sources of sugars. Basically all the fizzy drinks I usually drink such as Coke, Pepsi, orange sodas (and god knows how much I love orange soda), even fruit juices like orange juice and apple juice and such.
I'm sticking to the water and keeping hydrated. 
No chocolate bar because I'm not that much of a fan anyway and no sweets or things like that.
A little bit of honey in my porridge with sultanas is all I need and some fresh clementine. 

I'm having fresh vegetables, tomatos and olives and such fresh veggies. I like vegetables. Salads.
That's my thing any way. I'm keeping the fat out of my food and eating light, fresh, and healthy.
I've cut the carbs to almost 0 but not quite. Listen, me and bread it's a love story. But nonetheless I'm only allowing myself bread every 4 days. 

That's how I've started anyway for the next 2 weeks and then I'll start adding meat to my diet. 
And I'm going to start exercising as well. I haven't come to that yet but it will happen. At least I'm not eating for 2 any more. 

Does this seem like a good diet to you?
I haven't really cut down any major nutrients from my diets.  I guess I'll need to add proteins soon but this looks like a good and balanced diet so far and I think I'll be able to lose weight with that. Well I have but not much. 

Is summer the time where you put on weight too? That's why I start my diet now because if I don't. When I come back for fresher's week I'll probably put 2 stone on or something ridiculous like that.

Soooo by the time I'm done with this rather drastic change in my food intake I should lose 3 stone this summer, at least. That's my aim. I'm aiming high I know. But I need to push myself.

We all have different bodies and we all work in different ways. I see that by eating lighter I tend to lose more weight. Most of the "diet" plans you see in magazines and such are crap but I'll say that having a light and balanced diet can help you lose weight. Add in a few hours of exercising per week and you should lose weight quite quickly. Don't rush it and take it slow and your body will do the rest.

I want orange soda so baaaaad I'm gonna die.

Picture: "It's summer Nigga" by (Thanks again)


  1. Props to you for making a tough decision and choosing to take action, a better option might be the "slow carb" method you get some really good results if you combine it with solid gym work

    1. Yeah I have a tendency to lose motivation when I don't see some immediate results so by having this two weeks diet plan I hpe to lose 4 to 5 kgs and It's pushing me to do more. But the slow carb diet is probably the best option in order to lose weight and put on muscle. I will start doing it very soon anyway. Thanks.

  2. I like your article and good luck with your weight loss. MARINEEE
