Thursday 20 December 2012

It's the end of the woooorld!! Run for your life! Or not.

(I like this picture)

Hello peeps, tomorrow it's the 21st of December 2012 and what most people in the world have associated that date with is the end of the world as we know it.

Hide you're kids, hide your wives coz it's about to go down.

Now this all began when everybody started freaking out because it came to our attention that the Mayan calendar seemed to be ending on that day. 
And since mother fuckers from centuries ago seemed to know more shit than we do, they've apparently decided that a lot of changes would occur after that particular day. 
It goes from apocalyptic events to spiritual enlightening. You get the idea.

Today the NASA website has had 4.5m hit on their website and a humongous amount of call was made by anxious American citizens who were wondering if it was true that a dwarf planet, much like pluto, would come crashing down on us like a bag of potatoes.

Hello 911, we've got a bunch of stupid maniacs on the loose.

Seriously first of all if a planet sized object was on it's way to Earth right now, we'd probably see it in the sky. 
Second of all how dumb do you have to be to believe that the end of a calendar, a piece of freaking rock for fuck sake, would tell you the end of the world.
And finally why would the NASA know any better than anyone else about the events that are supposed to unfold? They're called the National Aeroneutics and Space Administration not the Futur Telling Lunatics.
They had to set up a website to tell people to relax and give tell them that it wasn't going to happen, no planet coming, no comet destroying us, no nothing.  

I know when the world will end.
Approximatively 4.5 billion years from now. When the Sun starts dying out and decides to explode the fuck out of our galaxy.

You're all stressing me out with this talk of end of the world. I need a drink. 

Till next time my readers. Take care. Might as well go enjoy the "end of the world" with your friends. Peace.

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