Monday 24 December 2012

Perception of life and reality. Illusion of being - Part 1

My theory is not based on any documented study or any existing theories (that I know of).

This is all based my own experiences, my capacity of logical thinking and observation.
It might be completely incorrect but It's just an idea, don't take it tooseriously and have fun.

We have the capacity to adapt to changes and to go from one situation to the other quite quickly based on numerous factors.

Our ability to perceive reality in a certain manner based on our senses and using our brain is incredible.

But what do we base our decisions on? Our animal Instincts? Common sense (but is that not just knowledge based on a series of experiences based on our individual perception of reality? Do we then accept someone else’s perception of reality because they’ve been here longer and have a longer experience which then makes their perceptiveness better? (Supposedly) Or do we make our own choices. What’s right or wrong? )?

We, as a species, have an incredible capacity of perception and adaptation.
But as there is not one single star in the universe who is identical to another, we are all different. We have different views and different perception of reality. Can we then talk of multiple realities because the perception of it is then not unanimous? And people with an even more distorted (or is it?) perception of “our” reality also exists. So what do we call them? Lunatics? Crazies? Mentally ill? Diseased?

Let’s think of it at a primal level. Without the technologies around us and the things that hold us together such as money, good living, love, hate, sex, responsibilities, relationships (friendly or not), the ties and bonds that unites us and everything else. Let’s try to think on a logical level without any human feelings and morality.

Let’s suppose then that the perception of an idea or an object or a situation is unique to all of us, and an idea or a feeling can fashion the foundations of our beings, our souls, our personalities and our cultures.

Even though we'll agree on an idea with someone it will never be completely the same but we are able to create an illusion of sameness because our need to communicate or to socialise or to coexist is greater than (why?) our need to think logically or to think different?

Let’s take someone who doesn’t know anything. Someone completely oblivious to the laws of our cultures, physics, moralities and issues. Nothing. If you don’t know anything but you can still perceive through your senses, situations. If someone comes to you and tells you that something is something. What do you do then?
Someone from nowhere appears in a world of nothingness.
Do you accept that person and what it tells you? Or do you reject it?
Is the possibility of us accepting in order not to lose something greater than the need to create different ways of thinking (which would probably lead to chaos)?
We can see it in our interactions with each other. People do it all the time.

Does perceiving something differently from everyone else makes it illusionary?

Do we create and entirely different universe by having a different way of seeing things? By denying someone else’s view?

What is reality then? Is it a compound of understandings and concepts created through our minds? Calculus and perceptions of something through our own realities made true to others through persuasion and the need to know?
This is incredible because if then our concept of perception and reality is mostly illusionary we can still adapt to a resembling idea to our individual realities in order to believe that we are not alone and we can live in a world full of beings completely unique in every ways to our own individual self.

We can as a group then coexist by believing an illusionary idea and make it part of us. Of our beliefs and behavior. We can then emulate each other’s behaviors and faith in a belief and call it ours. (Is this how you create a culture? Through manipulation of the mind and feelings and through an illusionary unity. Because we all need something, individually, and we believe that in order to get it we need to be part of a group or to not be alone?)
Make it an abstract idea that can be possessed and make it a dogmatic idea that is accepted by a group of people that have been secluded in the same area and never seen anything else in their lives.

Can we then assume that everything we do as part of our behavior like the things we enjoy, things we hate, things we are scared of, the things we want, our way of thinking, are just illusions created through our perception of life and our capacity to adapt to it? Or thousands of years of experiences and perceptions and maybe lies imprinted in our DNA?

So things like, race, cultures, sexuality, feelings, ideas, languages, age and everything else is illusionary with no more meaning than an apple falling off a tree?

Is everything written here just another abstract idea, and illusion made through perception and experiences, which would then make it only true for me and no one else.

It's very interesting to see that as a species we probably haven't evolved as much as we think we have after the last 100.000 years that we've been on Earth. We’ve probably evolved for a different situation but does that make us better or more of somehting than what our species was like before us?

I have a question then. If everything that we've done, things we've seen, things we've created are meaningless. (as a species)
Then why do we keep doing it, over and over again? For example war, murder, hate, love, creation, destruction, science, sports, music, art. Because that’s what we are doing. Repeating again and again and again we do the same things. Differently and maybe better (again this depends on our perception of what is better or not).

Is it because we haven't seen any different and these are the only means available to us to express an ongoing frustration about life and our being here?
Have we adapted to a situation (reality and life) by doing the same things over and over again but just a little bit differently to the previous one in order to survive?

Is our perception then not as different as I think it is? Or is it that the probability of the same perception occurring in different beings is greater than I think it is and then the idea of individuality in the end is, once again, just illusionary?

Death is not the disappearing of anything but our perception of what is in front us. We don’t even know what happens to the being inside the body when it’s gone. Do we then transform to a higher consciousness with a perception of things in a different way? Why is it sad to die? Is it because of our inability to tell what happens to us when we die? Is seeing someone die not making us sad but brings out a feeling inside that reminds us that we don’t know what we become?

What is the perception of reality? What do we see?
Why are we doing those things? For no reason? The illusion of life and contemptuousness?

Too many questions. Not enough answers. Inability to see what’s beyond.

If god made us. God made us too weak for my liking. Or has he?

Something is missing.

1 comment:

  1. You could spend an eternity trying to answer all these questions. But it would be worth trying. I think for a lot of the human race; the followers, the ones lacking in faith in themselves, the ones blinded by the speed of everything; reality isn't their own. Not really. People are too easily bent by their surroundings, people have to conform (or so they think). For the people who truly sculpt their lives and don't let the negatives shape it in any way, for the people who deserve everything they have worked through blood sweat and tears; I think they own their reality.

    Through dyslexia I have an incredibly hard time describing things, so it might not make perfect sense!
