Tuesday 16 July 2013

Weird as hell video "Teddy has an operation"

I found this very weird video of a teddy having an operation. In the video a man is explaining each part of the operation while a very relaxing piano tune is played in the background.
The weird thing is that despite it being weird everything seems to make sense. Maybe it's the little boy inside of me that still understands it.

Friday 14 June 2013

Penis and Fanny (work in progress - 1.0)

Hi to the few that read me. I apologise for my long absence, I have been rather busy.
No that's a lie, the real reason why I haven't written in here in such a long while is because of my lack of inspiration. And I didn't want to post another video.
This isn't YouTube.

I want to talk about Men and Women relationship. The complicated and never ending struggle to find the perfect mate for life or the never ending struggle to escape commitment.

I have always had a very romantic idea of men and women relationship. Guy meets girl, they fall in love, they spend the rest of their lives together and have babies and shit. A Disney movie basically.

Oh how wrong I was. 

You see, for the majority of people who grows with that sort of idea you're bound to get hurt at some point, and either you keep on going on that path until you find that right person, which never really happens, or you become a monster.
If you become a monster you end up hurting other people, who then probably will turn into something like you and do it to other people and it's a never ending vicious circle.

A bit like vampires.

We will never find the perfect person. If you're one of those people that believe in that, you're an idiot. 
It's no ones fault if you get hurt. It's the way our society has evolved to accept women and men relationship to be the way it is.
It's a never ending war. A back and forth of emotions, and dating and kissing and fornicating until you find that one adequate mate, that will not be perfect, but that will be your companion for the journey that is life until your miserable abrupt death.

But then again why go through that endless emotional struggle if we can just go from one person to another? Do we really need to find that one person? Is mating and making babies necessary for all of us? Surely there's enough people to continue the prosperity of our species.

For those others who have been hurt and don't turn into monsters they never fully trust the other partner. Always moving from one to the other. "I'm afraid of commitment". Is it then right to run from our fear or to battle against it? Because one thing is for sure. Human beings are horrible and they always will. So do we give in and try and maybe get emotionally hurt or you never know we might actually find that adequate mate in our next encounter.

Men and women have there own wars to fight as a gender anyway.
Women always struggling in a society that tells them they will not be accepted unless they look, think, and become a certain way.
Men always struggling to achieve, to become, to behave and to think a certain way.

Because of these expectations how the hell are we supposed to be comfortable with each other? 

We never truly find answers to every thing but one thing I know is that I live in a society where women and men fight more than they love. 
(And no. Fornicating is not loving, it's a stress reliever, it's a biological imperative, it's fun).

Wednesday 10 April 2013

The Dragon Baby

This video is just so great. I wish my baby sister could do that. I'd send her do assassination assignments.

Thursday 28 March 2013

Rules to Rugby

Hey peeps, Rugby is an interesting game isn't it?
I've just never known the rules. It's too bad because it's such a popular game in many countries worldwide.
So I decided to learn thanks to a video on YouTube by LYNX that explains the rules of Rugby in a way that I can understand using a very competent set of players. 
For fans this video will provide entertainment and for newcomers it's definitely going to be educational in some way.
Have fun!! :)

Friday 8 March 2013

Iron Man 3 - New Trailer

I don't really know what to say about this video it's quite self-explanatory. What the hell is going on for so many Iron Man to appear at once?

The Hangover III

The wolf pack is back in this last chapter of the trilogy of The Hangover.
No more bachelor party, no more wedding, what is going to happen in this one?
I personally hope that it's not just a copycat of the other two movies.
From what I know supposedly the wolf pack will have to put all their energy to break Alan out of a mental asylum.
This trailer doesn't show anything really related to the story, all we can see is outrageous scenes as per usual but nothing is really being given away as to what happens.
I am really looking forward to it though.
Bring it on.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Portable Water Generator

A billboard that produce drinkable water with the humidity in the air.
That sounds like an amazing concept when you think about certain countries in the world with not enough clean water. Right?

The university of engineering and Technology, UTEC have done this and implemented the first billboard that produces drinking water out of air.

Coming from a Third World country with the problem of not having clean water for everyone I can really appreciate this type of technology that produces clean drinkable water for the population.
It's things like this that makes me love science and technology so much.

Check it out:

Thursday 7 February 2013

African Session

Hello people. Today I'm bringing the fresh of the fresh.
I'm bringing the hot of the hot.
We're going tropical baby.

During the Christmas holiday some of my friends had the great idea of making a video of their time in the Republic of Congo.

I've told myself I'll do the same many times but unfortunately I always forget to do it.
So this video was filmed by Julia Massoulle. Well at least with her camera with the contribution of a few other people but she has edited the whole thing.

You guys should check it out just so you can see how beautiful my country is.
Next time I go I'll make a video. I'll try to remember.

Also make sure to check out her channel right here.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Kanye Zone!! What dat is?

Hey hey hey what's going on people.
I haven't been posting anything lately, I've been a bit busy with my personal life.

It's been bumpy but I'm back.

Now there is this new game I've been spending my spare time on lately, it's very simple to use and easy to access.

It's easy to spend ages on it in order to get the highest score possible and it's called Kanye Zone.

Now Kanye Zone is very easy to play.

Inside a square box Kanye West's head is hitting the borders of the box and bouncing around.
Now your job is to stop Kanye's head to reach the zone who so happen to be in the middle of the box by using a blue bouncing ball rotating around the zone.
You move the ball using the left and right arrows of your keyboard and you keep Kanye away from the zone.

The longer you keep him away the more points you get.
But be careful because as soon as his head hit the zone Jay-Z comes out of nowhere and laughs at your pain. Heart breaker right there.

Good luck and have fun with kanye Zone.

Monday 14 January 2013

The snow

Coming from a tropical country, the snow was never something that I experienced every day.
During the rainy season, we get heavy showers and it can be troublesome but we always get by.
Snow was something that I rarely saw throughout the year since we never really went to cold countries during the Christmas holidays when I was a kid. And we couldn't really afford it anyway.

My real life, all day, everyday experience with snow was about 5 years ago when I was in Bolton, it snowed and it was the first time I properly saw it, it looked fucking awesome. But it never really stuck so we couldn't really do all the "snow ball fights" and such games that you would normally do during winter time.

When I came up to university in Newcastle, that's when I realised how you should never underestimate snow. Number one killer of Africans in Europe (true story). But seriously you don't expect it, and with Newcastle being such a windy city it creates blizzards all the time.
I had enough. But I hadn't experienced the full power of snow.

Do you think it stopped there? Of course not. Couple of days later it starts raining, the snow starts melting.
Man was I happy. I remember it like it was yesterday. "Ah man finally. I'm going to be able to walk around again without all this snow".
Boy, was I wrong.
The snow turned into ice, making my everyday walk to university, into the descent to hell.
That's when I realised something. I realised and thought to myself, "God damn I hate snow so much".

Ladies and Gentlemen, I hate the snow. It's cold. When it melts it's wet.
When it melts it turns into ice. You can die of this shit.

I'm not a fan. I know most people loves it, you all turn into kids when the stuff comes down. "Oh my god it's snowing!" And what is it with you people and telling everybody that it's snowing? It's irritating.

This was my story. I hate the snow. And don't you dare throw no damn snowballs at me. I will go Samuel Jackson on your ass mother fucker.

Picture is from: http://instagram.com/arestheprince

Sunday 13 January 2013

Nothing beats an astronaut...Ever!!

You all have probably seen this new advert that has been played quite a lot on YouTube and other websites lately.
In the commercial a brave fireman enters a building on fire to save a damsel in distress.
 After fighting his way through the fire he finally reaches the woman and proceeds to quickly get her out of the building with a final explosion that nearly kills both of them.
They then have that longeing look in their eyes as they stare at each other and she then shifts her gaze to something behind the Fireman and the camera shows an astronaut walking toward the woman with the words on the screen saying "Nothing beats an astronaut, ever" by which point we see the woman running into the astronaut's arms.

That is the new commercial by Lynx for their new contest which will enable one person to go to space.
My friend Lewis Tomalin a.k.a Chief, wants to go to space, which is why he entered the Lynx competition.
We have decided to do everything that we can to send Chief in space.

So this is what this post is all about. Please vote for Chief to go to space at:


Friday 11 January 2013

Justin Timberlake the return!

Since the release of his last album, FutureSex/LoveSounds in 2006, Justin has mainly concentrated on his acting career and had put his music career on hold.

But for 2013 Justin Timberlake has now announced that he was in the process of making an album which will be produced by Timberland and be released sometimes this year.

I'm a huge Justin Timberlake fan and it's with great excitement that I'm waiting for this album to come out. It was also announced that Jay-Z and Beyonce were working with him on this album, so we can be sure that it's going to be huge. I really do hope that this is going to be a bad ass comeback after those 6 years of break from music.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

I.aM.mE present: "why don't you" choreo by DI"MOON"ZHANG feat. Chachi

“Dance, when you're broken open. Dance, if you've torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you're perfectly free.” 
― Rumi