Sunday 13 January 2013

Nothing beats an astronaut...Ever!!

You all have probably seen this new advert that has been played quite a lot on YouTube and other websites lately.
In the commercial a brave fireman enters a building on fire to save a damsel in distress.
 After fighting his way through the fire he finally reaches the woman and proceeds to quickly get her out of the building with a final explosion that nearly kills both of them.
They then have that longeing look in their eyes as they stare at each other and she then shifts her gaze to something behind the Fireman and the camera shows an astronaut walking toward the woman with the words on the screen saying "Nothing beats an astronaut, ever" by which point we see the woman running into the astronaut's arms.

That is the new commercial by Lynx for their new contest which will enable one person to go to space.
My friend Lewis Tomalin a.k.a Chief, wants to go to space, which is why he entered the Lynx competition.
We have decided to do everything that we can to send Chief in space.

So this is what this post is all about. Please vote for Chief to go to space at:

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