Monday 14 January 2013

The snow

Coming from a tropical country, the snow was never something that I experienced every day.
During the rainy season, we get heavy showers and it can be troublesome but we always get by.
Snow was something that I rarely saw throughout the year since we never really went to cold countries during the Christmas holidays when I was a kid. And we couldn't really afford it anyway.

My real life, all day, everyday experience with snow was about 5 years ago when I was in Bolton, it snowed and it was the first time I properly saw it, it looked fucking awesome. But it never really stuck so we couldn't really do all the "snow ball fights" and such games that you would normally do during winter time.

When I came up to university in Newcastle, that's when I realised how you should never underestimate snow. Number one killer of Africans in Europe (true story). But seriously you don't expect it, and with Newcastle being such a windy city it creates blizzards all the time.
I had enough. But I hadn't experienced the full power of snow.

Do you think it stopped there? Of course not. Couple of days later it starts raining, the snow starts melting.
Man was I happy. I remember it like it was yesterday. "Ah man finally. I'm going to be able to walk around again without all this snow".
Boy, was I wrong.
The snow turned into ice, making my everyday walk to university, into the descent to hell.
That's when I realised something. I realised and thought to myself, "God damn I hate snow so much".

Ladies and Gentlemen, I hate the snow. It's cold. When it melts it's wet.
When it melts it turns into ice. You can die of this shit.

I'm not a fan. I know most people loves it, you all turn into kids when the stuff comes down. "Oh my god it's snowing!" And what is it with you people and telling everybody that it's snowing? It's irritating.

This was my story. I hate the snow. And don't you dare throw no damn snowballs at me. I will go Samuel Jackson on your ass mother fucker.

Picture is from:

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