Wednesday 26 December 2012

Hot or Not?: "Blake Lively"

Blake Lively.
I am genuinely in love with this woman.
She is the personification of casual beauty and nonchalance.  The reincarnation of Aphrodite.
The culminating point of women beauty, class, and sexiness.
It seems so effortless for her to be so beautiful.
She has the most exquisite pair of lips I have ever seen and her lazy stare could make any man shutter with envy and excitement.
She could reap your heart out of your chest, throw it on the floor and step on it and smile at you and the entire time you would be too subdued by her beauty to even realise it.
She is fine with a capital...FINE!!

Monday 24 December 2012

Perception of life and reality. Illusion of being - Part 1

My theory is not based on any documented study or any existing theories (that I know of).

This is all based my own experiences, my capacity of logical thinking and observation.
It might be completely incorrect but It's just an idea, don't take it tooseriously and have fun.

We have the capacity to adapt to changes and to go from one situation to the other quite quickly based on numerous factors.

Our ability to perceive reality in a certain manner based on our senses and using our brain is incredible.

But what do we base our decisions on? Our animal Instincts? Common sense (but is that not just knowledge based on a series of experiences based on our individual perception of reality? Do we then accept someone else’s perception of reality because they’ve been here longer and have a longer experience which then makes their perceptiveness better? (Supposedly) Or do we make our own choices. What’s right or wrong? )?

We, as a species, have an incredible capacity of perception and adaptation.
But as there is not one single star in the universe who is identical to another, we are all different. We have different views and different perception of reality. Can we then talk of multiple realities because the perception of it is then not unanimous? And people with an even more distorted (or is it?) perception of “our” reality also exists. So what do we call them? Lunatics? Crazies? Mentally ill? Diseased?

Let’s think of it at a primal level. Without the technologies around us and the things that hold us together such as money, good living, love, hate, sex, responsibilities, relationships (friendly or not), the ties and bonds that unites us and everything else. Let’s try to think on a logical level without any human feelings and morality.

Let’s suppose then that the perception of an idea or an object or a situation is unique to all of us, and an idea or a feeling can fashion the foundations of our beings, our souls, our personalities and our cultures.

Even though we'll agree on an idea with someone it will never be completely the same but we are able to create an illusion of sameness because our need to communicate or to socialise or to coexist is greater than (why?) our need to think logically or to think different?

Let’s take someone who doesn’t know anything. Someone completely oblivious to the laws of our cultures, physics, moralities and issues. Nothing. If you don’t know anything but you can still perceive through your senses, situations. If someone comes to you and tells you that something is something. What do you do then?
Someone from nowhere appears in a world of nothingness.
Do you accept that person and what it tells you? Or do you reject it?
Is the possibility of us accepting in order not to lose something greater than the need to create different ways of thinking (which would probably lead to chaos)?
We can see it in our interactions with each other. People do it all the time.

Does perceiving something differently from everyone else makes it illusionary?

Do we create and entirely different universe by having a different way of seeing things? By denying someone else’s view?

What is reality then? Is it a compound of understandings and concepts created through our minds? Calculus and perceptions of something through our own realities made true to others through persuasion and the need to know?
This is incredible because if then our concept of perception and reality is mostly illusionary we can still adapt to a resembling idea to our individual realities in order to believe that we are not alone and we can live in a world full of beings completely unique in every ways to our own individual self.

We can as a group then coexist by believing an illusionary idea and make it part of us. Of our beliefs and behavior. We can then emulate each other’s behaviors and faith in a belief and call it ours. (Is this how you create a culture? Through manipulation of the mind and feelings and through an illusionary unity. Because we all need something, individually, and we believe that in order to get it we need to be part of a group or to not be alone?)
Make it an abstract idea that can be possessed and make it a dogmatic idea that is accepted by a group of people that have been secluded in the same area and never seen anything else in their lives.

Can we then assume that everything we do as part of our behavior like the things we enjoy, things we hate, things we are scared of, the things we want, our way of thinking, are just illusions created through our perception of life and our capacity to adapt to it? Or thousands of years of experiences and perceptions and maybe lies imprinted in our DNA?

So things like, race, cultures, sexuality, feelings, ideas, languages, age and everything else is illusionary with no more meaning than an apple falling off a tree?

Is everything written here just another abstract idea, and illusion made through perception and experiences, which would then make it only true for me and no one else.

It's very interesting to see that as a species we probably haven't evolved as much as we think we have after the last 100.000 years that we've been on Earth. We’ve probably evolved for a different situation but does that make us better or more of somehting than what our species was like before us?

I have a question then. If everything that we've done, things we've seen, things we've created are meaningless. (as a species)
Then why do we keep doing it, over and over again? For example war, murder, hate, love, creation, destruction, science, sports, music, art. Because that’s what we are doing. Repeating again and again and again we do the same things. Differently and maybe better (again this depends on our perception of what is better or not).

Is it because we haven't seen any different and these are the only means available to us to express an ongoing frustration about life and our being here?
Have we adapted to a situation (reality and life) by doing the same things over and over again but just a little bit differently to the previous one in order to survive?

Is our perception then not as different as I think it is? Or is it that the probability of the same perception occurring in different beings is greater than I think it is and then the idea of individuality in the end is, once again, just illusionary?

Death is not the disappearing of anything but our perception of what is in front us. We don’t even know what happens to the being inside the body when it’s gone. Do we then transform to a higher consciousness with a perception of things in a different way? Why is it sad to die? Is it because of our inability to tell what happens to us when we die? Is seeing someone die not making us sad but brings out a feeling inside that reminds us that we don’t know what we become?

What is the perception of reality? What do we see?
Why are we doing those things? For no reason? The illusion of life and contemptuousness?

Too many questions. Not enough answers. Inability to see what’s beyond.

If god made us. God made us too weak for my liking. Or has he?

Something is missing.

Thursday 20 December 2012

It's the end of the woooorld!! Run for your life! Or not.

(I like this picture)

Hello peeps, tomorrow it's the 21st of December 2012 and what most people in the world have associated that date with is the end of the world as we know it.

Hide you're kids, hide your wives coz it's about to go down.

Now this all began when everybody started freaking out because it came to our attention that the Mayan calendar seemed to be ending on that day. 
And since mother fuckers from centuries ago seemed to know more shit than we do, they've apparently decided that a lot of changes would occur after that particular day. 
It goes from apocalyptic events to spiritual enlightening. You get the idea.

Today the NASA website has had 4.5m hit on their website and a humongous amount of call was made by anxious American citizens who were wondering if it was true that a dwarf planet, much like pluto, would come crashing down on us like a bag of potatoes.

Hello 911, we've got a bunch of stupid maniacs on the loose.

Seriously first of all if a planet sized object was on it's way to Earth right now, we'd probably see it in the sky. 
Second of all how dumb do you have to be to believe that the end of a calendar, a piece of freaking rock for fuck sake, would tell you the end of the world.
And finally why would the NASA know any better than anyone else about the events that are supposed to unfold? They're called the National Aeroneutics and Space Administration not the Futur Telling Lunatics.
They had to set up a website to tell people to relax and give tell them that it wasn't going to happen, no planet coming, no comet destroying us, no nothing.  

I know when the world will end.
Approximatively 4.5 billion years from now. When the Sun starts dying out and decides to explode the fuck out of our galaxy.

You're all stressing me out with this talk of end of the world. I need a drink. 

Till next time my readers. Take care. Might as well go enjoy the "end of the world" with your friends. Peace.

Thursday 13 December 2012

After Earth

Will Smith is playing in this new movie with his son, Jaden Smith.
After watching pursuit of happyness, I am very much looking forward to see what kind of performance those two are going to pull off again, especially since this is a Sci-Fi movie. 

Last Sci-Fi movie Will Smith was in was Independence Day and that was quite good but still with that funny Will that we know whereas this is looking much more serious and deep than what we've seen back then and the danger of it sucking is very real. 
Let's hope this is going to be another master peace by the Smiths and not a massive flop. 

Man of steel - Official trailer #2

Bad ass trailer for the new up-coming Superman? Yes please.

Attempt at Poetic writing No.1

I'm loveless. The one and only.

The one without one. Without the ability to love. 

The heartbroken.

The one with no one. The one forever alone.

Don't be me. Be in love. 

Don't be me. Don't love no one.

Love like tomorrow is gone forever.

Don't be me. Don't be scared.

Because like me you will be left behind. 

Love hurts.
But love is good. 

by: Ares Rabe

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Felix Baumgartner Test Jump - Red Bull Stratos

Let me put this into context for you.
Felix Baumgartner. Austrian. Loves jumping off buildings and air planes. 
Break a few world record on low and high BASE jumps. 

Now everyone is talking about him right now because he just broke another few world record. 
But it's the 128,100 ft jump that's just nuts. 

Just watch the video.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Skate for life

When I was younger most of my friends around me got into skateboarding.
It wasn't really anything that I've ever really been into but it seemed fun.

I tried it a couple of times. Hurt myself and then I stopped.
Story of my life. Every time I tried something and I couldn't do it or it was hard I'd just give up.

To most people skateboarding a sport. I prefer to see it as an art.
Because only the bold and reckless can achieve anything in Skateboarding. You need to give it a hundred per cent. You fall. You get back up.

Like anything in life.

I think it's a basic understanding of life that most people don't get. But I've seen skateboarding make people better. Never giving up. Never backing up. Always getting up. Bringing crowds together.

Skateboarding is an art.

Made in Emerica Skate Jam by Daniel Robertson

Friday 27 July 2012

Ciroc - Luck be a lady

Mes amis,
I present to you one of my favourite drinks. Ciroc.
Now for those who has no knowledge of this drink, Ciroc is a vodka. 
What makes Ciroc different from other vodkas such as Grey Goose or Belvedere is its firm, dry but at the same time smooth taste. 
A totally new experience that can take you by surprise when the sweet after taste sneak behind your tongue.

Now what makes this taste is the preparation of the drink. 
Ciroc, unlike regular vodkas who uses distilled potatoes or grains, is made using distilled French grapes, the Mauzac Blanc and the Ugni Blanc. 
The drink is distilled five times in order to get that smooth taste. 
Ciroc comes in different flavours, the regular Ciroc, Red Berry, Coconut, and Peach.

Diddy became in 2007 the brand ambassador for the product which is also how I got to learn of the drink.
I admire Diddy and his style as well as his entrepreneur mind. Ciroc goes well with his image.

Video: Luck be a Lady featuring Sean 'Diddy' Combs, Eva Pigford, Michael K. Williams, Aaron Paul, Dania Ramirez, and Jesse Williams.

Monday 23 July 2012

Grooming is easy. Do it.

Being the classy man you inspire to be isn't just about clothing. It's not just about walking around in a £2,100 "Gieves and hawkes" Navy suit. Far from it my friends.
Every little details must be perfected the best way you can, sometimes it's not your fault if you can't do it, we'll understand.

Grooming as in "human grooming" is considered to be an art by many and just shaving by some.
Now why is grooming important? I mean we could just go about and leave everything to grow and be merry, right? Wrong. Why? Because that's not what you want. You don't want to be Chubaka. 
Don't go around looking like Hagrid from "Harry Potter".
It's just insulting to good looking men and women who puts effort in their styling. 
I'm completely fine with a good shave and a neat hair cut if you like it simple but for God's sake cut it.

From the age of 16 to 18-19 I looked like a younger and worse version of Al Sharpton (thank you coach Sloane for the comparison). 
I'm not even joking. It was that bad. It was horrendous. Appalling I tell you. I don't want to go back.

Now let's first define what "grooming" is. 
Grooming is the action of cleaning and maintaining part of the body. In human terms it indicates the act of cutting, trimming and styling the hair; which also includes the shaving of the facial hair and removal of more private hairy area. 
Which means it also include the cleanliness of the skin as well as the hairs.
For this article I will concentrate on hair and do a second one for skin at a later date.

Grooming doesn't necessarily mean to shave or cut your hair. You might decide to keep your hair long or your beard bushy. Certain people that I know likes to keep their hair messy, it's part of their style but they keep it clean. Shampoo your hair, moisturise them and trim the beard.
I like to keep a Rick Ross beard myself once in a while (out of laziness, sometimes I just don't want to shave it's too much effort) but I trim it.

Now in human societies and history "hairs" have been important for some time now for more than a heat insulator and cooling; they've had a special significances in terms of social statuses indicators, natural beauty accessories and also as symbols of strength, faith and religion.

In the 8th century BC, the Celts wore there hair long, braided or in locks and were binding the end of their hair together with the use of jewellery. For a man it was the expression of his strength and for a woman her fertility. 

So basically no matter how big you were and even if you were the best fighter or warrior in the entire village, if you were bald, you were the "village bitch". Not cool.

The 18th century marks the time when, in European cultures especially, men and women were so elaborately artificial, wigs, powder, perfume, nail polish, lipstick, colour, no colour, pink, pale, you name it.
Anyway I'm drifting away from our initial point, "Grooming". 

For hygienic reasons wash your hair and style them in a way that enables you to take care of them. 
Do not shampoo often. 
I get people telling me that they have dull looking hair even though they use "Head and shoulders" at least twice a day. Oh really?
Shampooing too much strips your hair of its natural oils and dry them up.
Wash them less and they'll look shinier and healthier. 

Don't overdo on the hair product either. It only makes your hair look greasy and that is definitely not attractive. Keep the amount small and sufficient. 

Are you familiar with the fact that hot steam actually opens your pores and make you hair softer? Shaving after a nice shower will prevent having ingrown hair and a better shave. Hot towel on your face works too if you don't have time to shower before you shave. Gentlemen, please. Stop dry shaving, it only causes you to have razor-burn rashes and develop ingrown hair. 

And don't be afraid to go to the barbershop on a regular basis. Having your hair and beard done by a professional is a sure way to have a "pull-together" look about yourself all the time.

Where my hairy people at? Three words! Trim, trim and trim. 
I'm on the hairy side kind of guy myself. One thing I do, I keep it trimmed. Women don't want to take your clothes off and find a jungle under the hood especially after they take care to groom for you.
Excess of hair? Get rid of it.
Like my friend David would say "I trim my pubes like I trim my afro, neat and tight".

So ,Gentlemen. Why is it important to groom? 
Well for one fundamentally important reason. 
To look good. What else?

Helpful Link (Esquire Magazine): 

Pitcures: Jon Hamm (Mad Men) from
              Will Smith

Thursday 5 July 2012

Summer outfitting

Shoes: H&M Turquoise Canvas Sneakers with Rubber Soles

Shorts: H&M Brown Shorts Chinos

Hat: Kangol Black Bamboo Mowbray Trilby

Photos taken by: Marine Mignot aka My Sista
Location: South of France, Valmorel, Club Med

Thursday 21 June 2012

Summer time weight loss

Hello my readers. Sorry I've been away. It's been a month since I posted last. Too long for a blog. But I'll be putting more stuff from now on.
I've just thought about what I wanted to write and since it's summer and it's a time where appearance is probably more important to us at that time than any of the year.

We're more self concious since we dress down because of the heat. Even in England it's sunny (I know who knew).
And when summer gets here a lot of people are losing more and more layer of clothing and to be honest when I see all those girls in the street I'm not complaining.

Well they are exceptions.

I mean we all seen that one girl that should be wearing a hoodie instead of a skirt if you catch my drift. Or those guys that take their shirt off in the middle of the city, I mean seriously do us a favour and jump off a bridge because this is not acceptable especially when you look more like Zach Galifianakis than Zac Efron.

So like I said we're dressing lighter and a lot of us will be going on holiday whether it's for a couple of days or weeks or even months and some of us have been working on their body to impress the other sex (or the same sex depending on what you like). 

Well I haven't. I know I've been lazy, very lazy and I've ate crap. I'm talking cheeseburgers, pizzas, kebabs. Ugh so much nasty, greasy stuff.
As a result I've put on weight. I'm starting to look like a burned meat ball. Yeah not pretty.

So I've started my special summer diet. 
I'd rather just eat healthy all the time so I wouldn't need to do that.
So that's what I'm doing. I've removed my main sources of sugars. Basically all the fizzy drinks I usually drink such as Coke, Pepsi, orange sodas (and god knows how much I love orange soda), even fruit juices like orange juice and apple juice and such.
I'm sticking to the water and keeping hydrated. 
No chocolate bar because I'm not that much of a fan anyway and no sweets or things like that.
A little bit of honey in my porridge with sultanas is all I need and some fresh clementine. 

I'm having fresh vegetables, tomatos and olives and such fresh veggies. I like vegetables. Salads.
That's my thing any way. I'm keeping the fat out of my food and eating light, fresh, and healthy.
I've cut the carbs to almost 0 but not quite. Listen, me and bread it's a love story. But nonetheless I'm only allowing myself bread every 4 days. 

That's how I've started anyway for the next 2 weeks and then I'll start adding meat to my diet. 
And I'm going to start exercising as well. I haven't come to that yet but it will happen. At least I'm not eating for 2 any more. 

Does this seem like a good diet to you?
I haven't really cut down any major nutrients from my diets.  I guess I'll need to add proteins soon but this looks like a good and balanced diet so far and I think I'll be able to lose weight with that. Well I have but not much. 

Is summer the time where you put on weight too? That's why I start my diet now because if I don't. When I come back for fresher's week I'll probably put 2 stone on or something ridiculous like that.

Soooo by the time I'm done with this rather drastic change in my food intake I should lose 3 stone this summer, at least. That's my aim. I'm aiming high I know. But I need to push myself.

We all have different bodies and we all work in different ways. I see that by eating lighter I tend to lose more weight. Most of the "diet" plans you see in magazines and such are crap but I'll say that having a light and balanced diet can help you lose weight. Add in a few hours of exercising per week and you should lose weight quite quickly. Don't rush it and take it slow and your body will do the rest.

I want orange soda so baaaaad I'm gonna die.

Picture: "It's summer Nigga" by (Thanks again)

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Esquire Magazine

I did not think I'd talk about any Men's magazine to be quite frank. Well not for a while at least.
To be honest I did not know when it'll come up at all.

So here we are.

Esquire - Style and Substance. Damn, it sounds good already.

I feel that now days many men lack the decency to enquire about certain things that a distinguished gentleman should know.
Simple things that are part of our modern life and society.

Clothing for example. How many times have I walked down a street and seen a man wearing the wrong pieces of clothing together. To be honest, I do not think that there is a right or wrong way to dress, but there is definitely a stupid one. Socks with flip-flops? Know what I mean?

But even without going to such extremism I think that certain people could look so much better.
It is our duty to show that we look good.

Do not make the mistake to believe that because you belong to the masculine race that you are exempted  from dressing distinguishably and gracefully nice because you shall not even remotely be pardoned from having such foolish thoughts. And it is not as easy as it looks as our "gentler" counterpart could tell you.

Colours, patterns, fabrics, fitting and many more criteria may define what goes with what and what does not.
My friends. There is no shame in not knowing but only in continuing in our perverted and stubborn descent shall we find chaos.

Esquire Magazine is a Men's Magazine founded in 1932.
It is published in other 20 countries (so you do not have a good reason for not buying it).

Esquire Magazine is...oh they say it so well I'd hate to ruin it.

"Esquire is special because it's a magazine for men. Not a fashion magazine for men, not a health magazine for men, not a money magazine for men. It is not any of these things; it is all of them. It is, and has been for nearly seventy years, a magazine about the interests, the curiosity, the passions, of men."
David Granger, Editor in Chief

This month cover is the picture of Robert Downey Junior (Ironman).
By the way the picture above is not the picture of the cover. I just thought this looked better. 
I'm not going lie I have a bit of a man crush on Robert. 

So here it is.

The magazine also has a website (
And a lot of interesting videos. Enjoy:

Sunday 6 May 2012

Kate Upton - Cat Daddy

Instant replay

Kate Upton demonstrates the "Cat Daddy"
directed by Terry Richardson.

Saturday 5 May 2012

The Avengers movie

I highly recommend this movie. You haven't seen it? Then what are you waiting for?
So far it's "The" movie of the year for me. 

I couldn't wait for it to come out and I'm not disappointed. 
Loki is back cooler and meaner than ever. 
Thor is back from Asgard with a couple of extra muscles.
Hulk...well Hulk is Hulk what do you want me to say?
Iron Man is funny, arrogant, self-centered as per usual.
Black Widow is sexy. Damn I love a girl that can throw a punch.
Hawkeye...let's just say he can throw an arrow.
Captain America is the little dumb ass of the group I kind of feel sorry for him at times but he can throw a punch that's for sure and he is a bad ass leader.

And for those who keep debating over who the real original Avengers were. Here is the line up for the comic books:

- Iron Man (Tony Stark)
Ant-Man (Dr. Henry Pym) 
Wasp (Janet Van Dyne) 
Hulk (Bruce Banner)

and a couple of issues later they find Captain America's sorry ass in the ice and he joins the line up too.
Now chill out and enjoy the show.

Lee Alexander McQueen - "L'enfant terrible"

Lee Alexander McQueen is (or rather "was") a British fashion designer and couturier. 
He lived from 1969 to 2010 and lived a total of 40 years. 

The beauty in McQueen's collection resides mainly in his ingenuity in using materials that converge the feeling of softness or hardness. It's the best way I can explain it. For example he's used feathers in quite a lot of his work, as well as furry materials, gold, metal, silver, bones (human ribcage spring/summer 98 "The Golden Shower"), wings and other animal related and organic patterns. And it's the way he has fashioned them that is fascinating. It's not some attempt at trying to admire some abstract beauty from my part, it's just there. Mesmerizing, shocking, scary and just plain outrageously amazing.

To me Alexander McQueen is not just a designer, he is also an artist. He envisioned something great and brought it to life. He is one of those creators who defines Haute couture not just as a fashion masquerade but also as art, as it should be. 
As an artist he was able to show his emotions through his art, fear, terror and awe and exploring different movement such as gothic and naturalism.

 “I think there has to be an underlying sexuality. There has to be pervasiveness in cloths… there is a hidden agenda in fragility of romance. It’s like the ‘Story of O’ [a French-authored book on sodomy]. I’m not big on women looking naïve. There has to be a sinister aspect…” - Alexander McQueen (

Spring/Summer 2001 Voss is probably one of my favourite shows by McQueen. One because of the theatrical set that was displayed. Disturbing and at the same time beautifully created. And two because of the use of Michelle Olley as the centre piece for the whole exhibition (picture above). She obviously doesn't have the typical model body type (i'm talking about skinny than a motherfucker) but that's what makes her stand out from the likes of Kate Moss (yes she was there indeed) and make her shine like a star among all of them.

Spring/Summer 2001 - Voss

Wednesday 25 April 2012

London Collections: Men Launch Video


Running from 15th - 17th June 2012, London will kick start the Menswear calendar with a showcase of British brands and businesses embedded in a cultural programme.

Sunday 22 April 2012

Red Bull Music Academy Lock-In House Party: Newcastle

Red Bull Music Academy Lock-In House Party: Newcastle


1) No smoking in the basement due to gas pipes. (IMPORTANT!)

2) Always toast before a shot.

3) No cockblocking.

4) If the police come DO NOT answer the door, everyone hide!

5) If you are caught masturbating, don't stop.

6) No raping but MUCH rapping!

7) EVERYONE minces out on the dance floor.

8) Go hard or go home.

"Insane" is the first word that come to mind thinking about last night.
The party took place in a mansion in Jesmond. Jesmond is a very popular student location for student housing and just damn straight partying in Newcastle. Prime location, was the set up of a mad and fantastic evening. The never ending flow of Red Bull was also probably one of the major factor to the success of the night including the DJs and the music played.

"Go hard or go home". I think a lot of people took this a little bit too literately. Because going hard was what they did. Drinking, dancing, snogging, you name it. It was happening right there. Girls and boys were enjoying themselves in a beautiful setting. Hot was the house after past midnight. My good friend and house-mate Bryce "Fury" (see picture above) once again killed it on the decks. 

We had electro, hip-hop, drum & bass you name it. It was hitting us hard in the front room, in the downstairs bedroom and in the basement. 

One additional room upstairs was open and was dubbed by its users "the chilling room". Here's the setting, just imagine a massive bedroom with no bed just massive beanbags on the floor with people smoking and drinking, talking and laughing about god knows what. Just plain awesomeness was coming from that room.

I think the best thing about the whole house party was that people were so open to meet new people and just talk about whatever and so many new friendship bloomed last night it was a sight to see. I've never seen so many people just loving each other. There was no fight, no trouble just the feeling of love and friendship in the air. I've never felt something like that before, it was quite overwhelming. 

I mean I made so many new friends. I was rapping, beat-boxing, break-dancing with some guy the whole night. Sang Woo Han. I mean first of all this mother fucker has kick ass name, second he can dance, he's funny. Oh man I mean we were laughing. It was pretty intense. We were fucked too. I can't even remember how many dance off I had with this guy during that night. Jesus Christ he was awesome. No homo though. No homo.

An amazing night and an amazing event all in all.
Hopefully Red Bull Music Academy will host another such event in the future because I am definitely down there. 

Saturday 21 April 2012

Alice and Modern Moonlight presents The Correspondents

Alice and Modern Moonlight presents The Correspondents.

The Correspondents is a swing/hiphop duo made up of two extraordinary guys with DJ "Chucks" and MC and lead singer "Mr.Bruce". Based in London they've come up all the to the windy and rainy Newcastle to perform some of their amazing tunes.

The Venue hosting the event (The cooperage) is, I mean let's be honest, the size of my toilets, very small building comprising of a ground floor and two upper floors with the first floor playing hiphop music and the second playing electro swing. Very cramped, stuffing venue with people stepping on your toes and pushing back and forth I mean I felt like I was in one of them African buses we have back home.
 It was a great historical building don't get me wrong. Maybe an old Inn or a old house dating back to the 16th or the 17th century, when people all measured 5 foot. But as a venue it lacked the space needed to house so many people in my opinion.

Anyway I was there for the band and for my good house mate Mr.Fury who was DJiing straight after them and who killed it by the way. 
1:00 AM: The show is starting. During the night we hear the tunes that we all know such as  "What happened to Soho",  "Washington Square" and "Rio de hackney" along with some new tunes.
The performance was magnificent, breathtaking, beautiful, down right outrageous. To put it shortly, they killed it.

While "DJ Chucks" was in the back killing it on the decks, Mr.Bruce was like a beast that has been let loose. He was everywhere, the floor, the counters, the speakers, the bars holding the flashing lights. He was a monkey.
Now that's what I call entertainment. So much energy from Mr.Bruce. His garbs were made either to resemble a fool or a well dressed gentleman. In any case he looked like both. Imagine Arlequin decided do dress smart for the evening and you've got an idea of what the was wearing. It was genius and I loved it.

One word come to mind after listening to The Correspondents: "WOW". 
The Correspondents is a breath of fresh air from the commercial bullshit we hear everyday and will make you want to bust a move. If you have the chance to go and see them do not think about it. Buy your ticket and go. Trust me they are worth it. 

Before I take my leave. I urge you to have a look at this little teaser video from them you will glimpse a little bit of what I was up for last night.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Do not give up your dreams

A boy is reborn with memories of his previous lives and tries to fix the mistakes of the past.

Director: Bruce Thierry Cheung
Writer: Jeremy Craig Cheung
Producer: Jacob Robinson

Song: "Svefn-G-Englar" from Sigur Ros

Bathed in lava

You might be asking yourself, "What in the world is this?".
This my friends is the essence of beautiful cooking. This is magical, delectable, unbelievable.

This. Is. Chicken.

I know what you're thinking "A black man who loves chicken. How original."
No my friends. This is something else entirely.
This chicken has been wrapped in layers of bacon, bathed in a magnificent tomato sauce and stuffed with beautiful feta cheese. Just thinking about it again is making my mouth water.
Genius I dare say. It may be that this is just another normal dish to you but it is still beautiful. Pure imagination and simplicity have come up with this incredible dish.

I take my hat off to my house mate and friend Bryce "Fury" who once again has impressed me by his culinary skills.


Born from fire

This is the beginning of a new era. This platform will be used to display things that I like especially related to fashion and photography and probably will blend both most of the time. 
Partying and having fun are as much part of my life as eating and breathing are so there will probably be talk of things I do and events I partake in. 

Prepare to see the beautiful and the strange.

Welcome and enjoy the show.